Module training
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import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras import layers, models, optimizers
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
import csv
def string_to_ascii(string):
Function that converts the domain name to an integer array of ASCII values.
string: Contains the Domain Name entered by the user.
A numpy array of ASCII values corresponding to the characters of the
Domain Name
ascii_arr = np.zeros(len(string))
for i in range(len(string)):
ascii_arr[i] = ord(string[i])
return ascii_arr
def import_data(string_to_ascii, data_path, labels, header, lateral_skip,
no_of_entries, csv_txt):
Function that imports data from both CSV files as well as TXT files.
string_to_ascii: Contains the string_to_ascii function.
data_path: Contains the path of the data to import.
labels: Contains the labels of the data that has to be imported.
header: Contains the number of lines to skip from the top.
lateral_skip: Contains the number of spaces to skip from the left.
no_of_entries: Contains the number of data entries that have to be
csv_txt: Contains whether the data to be imported is of a CSV file or a
TXT file.
The data that has to be imported as well as the labels corresponding to
the data.
if csv_txt == 0:
data = open(data_path, "r")
data = list(data.readlines())
data = open(data_path, 'rt')
reader = csv.reader(data, delimiter=',', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE)
data = list(reader)
data = list(np.asarray(data[:no_of_entries + header])[:, 1])
ret_data = np.zeros((no_of_entries, 256))
for i in range(header, no_of_entries + header):
ret_data[i - header, 0: len(data[i].strip('\"'))] = \
labels = np.ones((no_of_entries, 1)) * labels
return ret_data, labels
def data_preprocessing(import_data, number_of_samples,
mal_data_address, benign_data_address):
Function that returns the training dataset, the validation dataset as well
as the test dataset for model training and evaluation.
import_data: Contains the import_data function.
number_of_samples: Contains the number of data points that have to be
sampled for training.
mal_data_address: Contains the data path of malicious domains.
benign_data_address: Contains the data path of benign domains.
The training dataset, the labels of the training dataset, the validation
dataset, the labels of the validation dataset, the test dataset as well
as the labels of the test dataset.
ret_data_mal, labels_mal = \
import_data(string_to_ascii, mal_data_address, 1, 1, 0,
int(number_of_samples / 2), 0)
ret_data_nmal, labels_nmal = \
import_data(string_to_ascii, benign_data_address, 0, 1, 1,
int(number_of_samples / 2), 1)
train_split = int(number_of_samples / 2 * 0.8)
valid_split = int(number_of_samples / 2 * 0.9)
test_split = int(number_of_samples / 2)
train_set = np.append(ret_data_mal[0:train_split],
ret_data_nmal[0:train_split], axis=0)
train_set = np.reshape(train_set, (train_split * 2, 16, 16, 1))
labels_train_set = np.append(labels_mal[0:train_split],
labels_nmal[0:train_split], axis=0)
valid_set = np.append(ret_data_mal[train_split:valid_split],
ret_data_nmal[train_split:valid_split], axis=0)
valid_set = np.reshape(valid_set, ((valid_split - train_split) * 2, 16, 16, 1))
labels_valid_set = np.append(labels_mal[train_split:valid_split],
labels_nmal[train_split:valid_split], axis=0)
test_set = np.append(ret_data_mal[valid_split:test_split],
ret_data_nmal[valid_split:test_split], axis=0)
test_set = np.reshape(test_set, ((test_split - valid_split) * 2, 16, 16, 1))
labels_test_set = np.append(labels_mal[valid_split:test_split],
labels_nmal[valid_split:test_split], axis=0)
print('Train Shape:', np.shape(train_set), np.shape(labels_train_set))
print('Validation Shape:', np.shape(valid_set), np.shape(labels_valid_set))
print('Test Shape:', np.shape(test_set), np.shape(labels_test_set))
return train_set, labels_train_set, valid_set, labels_valid_set, test_set, \
def model_definition():
Function that returns a Convolutional Neural Network that classifies whether
the domain name is malicious or benign.
A Convolutional Neural Network that is a binary classifier that
classifies whether a domain name is malicious or benign.
model = models.Sequential(name='DNS_Alert_Net')
model.add(layers.Conv2D(16, (2, 2), activation='relu',
input_shape=(16, 16, 1)))
model.add(layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2)))
model.add(layers.Conv2D(16, (2, 2), activation='relu'))
model.add(layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2)))
model.add(layers.Conv2D(8, (2, 2), activation='relu'))
model.add(layers.Dense(8, activation='relu'))
model.add(layers.Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'))
adam_ = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(lr=0.001)
model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=adam_,
return model
def training(es, model, model_name, epochs, batch_size, train_set,
labels_train_set, validation_set, labels_validation_set):
Function that return the trained Convolutional Neural Network.
es: Contains the Elasticsearch object.
model: Contains the model as defined by the model_definition function.
model_name: Contains the model name.
epochs: Contains the number of epochs the model has to be trained for.
batch_size: Contains the batch size the model would use while training.
train_set: Contains the training dataset.
labels_train_set: Contains the labels for the training dataset.
validation_set: Contains the data for the validation dataset.
labels_validation_set: Contains the labels for the validation dataset.
A trained binary classifier for identifying whether a domain is
malicious or benign.
for i in range(epochs):
history =, labels_train_set, batch_size=batch_size,
epochs=1, validation_data=(validation_set,
body = es.get(index=es.get(index='model', id=1)['_source']['name'],
body['training']['loss'].append(history.history['loss'][0] * 100)
body['training']['val_loss'].append(history.history['val_loss'][0] * 100)
body['training']['acc'].append(history.history['acc'][0] * 100)
body['training']['val_acc'].append(history.history['val_acc'][0] * 100)
body['training']['epochs'].append((i + 1))
update_body = {'doc':
{'loss': (body['training']['loss']),
'val_loss': (body['training']['val_loss']),
'acc': (body['training']['acc']),
'val_acc': (body['training']['val_acc']),
'epochs': body['training']['epochs']
es.update(index=es.get(index='model', id=1)['_source']['name'],
id=1, body=update_body)
print('Please check the Elasticsearch Server')
print('Training Completed')
return model
def model_evaluation_metrics(es, model, train_set, labels_train_set, valid_set,
labels_valid_set, test_set, labels_test_set):
Function that updates the training accuracy graphs as well as loss graphs in
the Elasticsearch Database. The function also updates the confusion matrices
as well as the confusion metrics of the model, tested on the training,
validation as well as testing dataset, in the Elasticsearch Databse.
es: Contains the Elasticsearch object.
model: Contains the trained model.
train_set: Contains the training dataset.
labels_train_set: Contains the labels for the training dataset.
valid_set: Contains the data for the validation dataset.
labels_valid_set: Contains the labels for the validation dataset.
test_set: Contains the test dataset.
labels_test_set: Contains the labels for the test dataset.
Not applicable.
loss_train, acc_train = model.evaluate(train_set, labels_train_set)
loss_valid, acc_valid = model.evaluate(valid_set, labels_valid_set)
loss_test, acc_test = model.evaluate(test_set, labels_test_set)
y_pred = model.predict(train_set)
cf_matrix_train = confusion_matrix(labels_train_set, y_pred.round())
y_pred = model.predict(valid_set)
cf_matrix_valid = confusion_matrix(labels_valid_set, y_pred.round())
y_pred = model.predict(test_set)
cf_matrix_test = confusion_matrix(labels_test_set, y_pred.round())
acc_train = (cf_matrix_train[0, 0] + cf_matrix_train[1, 1]) / \
pres_train = (cf_matrix_train[1, 1]) / (cf_matrix_train[1, 1] +
cf_matrix_train[0, 1])
rec_train = (cf_matrix_train[1, 1]) / (cf_matrix_train[1, 1] +
cf_matrix_train[1, 0])
f1_train = 2 * rec_train * pres_train / (rec_train + pres_train)
acc_valid = (cf_matrix_valid[0, 0] + cf_matrix_valid[1, 1]) / \
pres_valid = (cf_matrix_valid[1, 1]) / (cf_matrix_valid[1, 1] +
cf_matrix_valid[0, 1])
rec_valid = (cf_matrix_valid[1, 1]) / (cf_matrix_valid[1, 1] +
cf_matrix_valid[1, 0])
f1_valid = 2 * rec_valid * pres_valid / (rec_valid + pres_valid)
acc_test = (cf_matrix_test[0, 0] + cf_matrix_test[1, 1]) / \
pres_test = (cf_matrix_test[1, 1]) / (cf_matrix_test[1, 1] +
cf_matrix_test[0, 1])
rec_test = (cf_matrix_test[1, 1]) / (cf_matrix_test[1, 1] +
cf_matrix_test[1, 0])
f1_test = 2 * rec_test * pres_test / (rec_test + pres_test)
update_body = {'doc':
{'loss_train': loss_train, 'acc_train': acc_train,
'loss_valid': loss_valid, 'acc_valid': acc_valid,
'loss_test': loss_test, 'acc_test': acc_test,
'cf_matrix_train': cf_matrix_train, 'cf_matrix_valid': cf_matrix_valid,
'cf_matrix_test': cf_matrix_test,
'pres_train': pres_train, 'rec_train': rec_train, 'f1_train': f1_train,
'pres_valid': pres_valid, 'rec_valid': rec_valid, 'f1_valid': f1_valid,
'pres_test': pres_test, 'rec_test': rec_test, 'f1_test': f1_test
es.update(index=es.get(index='model', id=1)['_source']['name'], id=1,
print('Please check the Elasticsearch Server')
if __name__ == '__main__':
es = Elasticsearch()
mal_data_path = '../data/malicious_domains.txt'
benign_data_path = '../data/benign_domains.csv'
train_set, labels_train_set, valid_set, labels_valid_set, test_set, \
labels_test_set = data_preprocessing(import_data, 1000,
mal_data_path, benign_data_path)
while True:
training_ = es.get(index='model', id=1)['_source']['training']
if training_:
body = {'training': {'loss': [], 'val_loss': [], 'acc': [],
'val_acc': [], 'epochs': []},
'metrics': {'loss_train': 0, 'acc_train': 0, 'loss_valid': 0,
'acc_valid': 0, 'loss_test': 0, 'acc_test': 0,
'cf_matrix_train': 0, 'cf_matrix_valid': 0, 'cf_matrix_test': 0,
'pres_train': 0, 'rec_train': 0, 'f1_train': 0,
'pres_valid': 0, 'rec_valid': 0, 'f1_valid': 0,
'pres_test': 0, 'rec_test': 0, 'f1_test': 0}}
es.index(index=es.get(index='model', id=1)['_source']['name'], id=1, body=body)
model = model_definition()
trained_model = training(es, model, es.get(index='model', id=1)['_source']['name'],
es.get(index='model', id=1)['_source']['epochs'],
es.get(index='model', id=1)['_source']['batch'],
train_set, labels_train_set, valid_set, labels_valid_set)
model_evaluation_metrics(es, trained_model, train_set, labels_train_set,
valid_set, labels_valid_set, test_set, labels_test_set)
name = es.get(index='model', id=1)['_source']['name']'../saved_models/' + name + '.hdf5')
update_body = {'doc': {'completed': 1, 'training': 0}}
es.update(index='model', id=1, body=update_body)
def data_preprocessing(import_data, number_of_samples, mal_data_address, benign_data_address)
Function that returns the training dataset, the validation dataset as well as the test dataset for model training and evaluation.
- Contains the import_data function.
- Contains the number of data points that have to be sampled for training.
- Contains the data path of malicious domains.
- Contains the data path of benign domains.
The training dataset, the labels of the training dataset, the validation dataset, the labels of the validation dataset, the test dataset as well as the labels of the test dataset.
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def data_preprocessing(import_data, number_of_samples, mal_data_address, benign_data_address): """ Function that returns the training dataset, the validation dataset as well as the test dataset for model training and evaluation. Args: import_data: Contains the import_data function. number_of_samples: Contains the number of data points that have to be sampled for training. mal_data_address: Contains the data path of malicious domains. benign_data_address: Contains the data path of benign domains. Returns: The training dataset, the labels of the training dataset, the validation dataset, the labels of the validation dataset, the test dataset as well as the labels of the test dataset. """ ret_data_mal, labels_mal = \ import_data(string_to_ascii, mal_data_address, 1, 1, 0, int(number_of_samples / 2), 0) ret_data_nmal, labels_nmal = \ import_data(string_to_ascii, benign_data_address, 0, 1, 1, int(number_of_samples / 2), 1) train_split = int(number_of_samples / 2 * 0.8) valid_split = int(number_of_samples / 2 * 0.9) test_split = int(number_of_samples / 2) train_set = np.append(ret_data_mal[0:train_split], ret_data_nmal[0:train_split], axis=0) train_set = np.reshape(train_set, (train_split * 2, 16, 16, 1)) np.random.seed(43) np.random.shuffle(train_set) labels_train_set = np.append(labels_mal[0:train_split], labels_nmal[0:train_split], axis=0) np.random.seed(43) np.random.shuffle(labels_train_set) valid_set = np.append(ret_data_mal[train_split:valid_split], ret_data_nmal[train_split:valid_split], axis=0) valid_set = np.reshape(valid_set, ((valid_split - train_split) * 2, 16, 16, 1)) np.random.seed(44) np.random.shuffle(valid_set) labels_valid_set = np.append(labels_mal[train_split:valid_split], labels_nmal[train_split:valid_split], axis=0) np.random.seed(44) np.random.shuffle(labels_valid_set) test_set = np.append(ret_data_mal[valid_split:test_split], ret_data_nmal[valid_split:test_split], axis=0) test_set = np.reshape(test_set, ((test_split - valid_split) * 2, 16, 16, 1)) np.random.seed(45) np.random.shuffle(test_set) labels_test_set = np.append(labels_mal[valid_split:test_split], labels_nmal[valid_split:test_split], axis=0) np.random.seed(45) np.random.shuffle(labels_test_set) print('Train Shape:', np.shape(train_set), np.shape(labels_train_set)) print('Validation Shape:', np.shape(valid_set), np.shape(labels_valid_set)) print('Test Shape:', np.shape(test_set), np.shape(labels_test_set)) return train_set, labels_train_set, valid_set, labels_valid_set, test_set, \ labels_test_set
def import_data(string_to_ascii, data_path, labels, header, lateral_skip, no_of_entries, csv_txt)
Function that imports data from both CSV files as well as TXT files.
- Contains the string_to_ascii function.
- Contains the path of the data to import.
- Contains the labels of the data that has to be imported.
- Contains the number of lines to skip from the top.
- Contains the number of spaces to skip from the left.
- Contains the number of data entries that have to be imported.
- Contains whether the data to be imported is of a CSV file or a TXT file.
The data that has to be imported as well as the labels corresponding to the data.
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def import_data(string_to_ascii, data_path, labels, header, lateral_skip, no_of_entries, csv_txt): """ Function that imports data from both CSV files as well as TXT files. Args: string_to_ascii: Contains the string_to_ascii function. data_path: Contains the path of the data to import. labels: Contains the labels of the data that has to be imported. header: Contains the number of lines to skip from the top. lateral_skip: Contains the number of spaces to skip from the left. no_of_entries: Contains the number of data entries that have to be imported. csv_txt: Contains whether the data to be imported is of a CSV file or a TXT file. Returns: The data that has to be imported as well as the labels corresponding to the data. """ if csv_txt == 0: data = open(data_path, "r") data = list(data.readlines()) else: data = open(data_path, 'rt') reader = csv.reader(data, delimiter=',', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE) data = list(reader) data = list(np.asarray(data[:no_of_entries + header])[:, 1]) ret_data = np.zeros((no_of_entries, 256)) for i in range(header, no_of_entries + header): ret_data[i - header, 0: len(data[i].strip('\"'))] = \ string_to_ascii(data[i].strip('\"')) labels = np.ones((no_of_entries, 1)) * labels return ret_data, labels
def model_definition()
Function that returns a Convolutional Neural Network that classifies whether the domain name is malicious or benign.
A Convolutional Neural Network that is a binary classifier that classifies whether a domain name is malicious or benign.
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def model_definition(): """ Function that returns a Convolutional Neural Network that classifies whether the domain name is malicious or benign. Returns: A Convolutional Neural Network that is a binary classifier that classifies whether a domain name is malicious or benign. """ model = models.Sequential(name='DNS_Alert_Net') model.add(layers.Conv2D(16, (2, 2), activation='relu', input_shape=(16, 16, 1))) model.add(layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2))) model.add(layers.Conv2D(16, (2, 2), activation='relu')) model.add(layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2))) model.add(layers.Conv2D(8, (2, 2), activation='relu')) model.add(layers.Flatten()) model.add(layers.Dense(8, activation='relu')) model.add(layers.Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')) adam_ = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(lr=0.001) model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=adam_, metrics=['accuracy']) return model
def model_evaluation_metrics(es, model, train_set, labels_train_set, valid_set, labels_valid_set, test_set, labels_test_set)
Function that updates the training accuracy graphs as well as loss graphs in the Elasticsearch Database. The function also updates the confusion matrices as well as the confusion metrics of the model, tested on the training, validation as well as testing dataset, in the Elasticsearch Databse.
- Contains the Elasticsearch object.
- Contains the trained model.
- Contains the training dataset.
- Contains the labels for the training dataset.
- Contains the data for the validation dataset.
- Contains the labels for the validation dataset.
- Contains the test dataset.
- Contains the labels for the test dataset.
Not applicable.
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def model_evaluation_metrics(es, model, train_set, labels_train_set, valid_set, labels_valid_set, test_set, labels_test_set): """ Function that updates the training accuracy graphs as well as loss graphs in the Elasticsearch Database. The function also updates the confusion matrices as well as the confusion metrics of the model, tested on the training, validation as well as testing dataset, in the Elasticsearch Databse. Args: es: Contains the Elasticsearch object. model: Contains the trained model. train_set: Contains the training dataset. labels_train_set: Contains the labels for the training dataset. valid_set: Contains the data for the validation dataset. labels_valid_set: Contains the labels for the validation dataset. test_set: Contains the test dataset. labels_test_set: Contains the labels for the test dataset. Returns: Not applicable. """ loss_train, acc_train = model.evaluate(train_set, labels_train_set) loss_valid, acc_valid = model.evaluate(valid_set, labels_valid_set) loss_test, acc_test = model.evaluate(test_set, labels_test_set) y_pred = model.predict(train_set) cf_matrix_train = confusion_matrix(labels_train_set, y_pred.round()) y_pred = model.predict(valid_set) cf_matrix_valid = confusion_matrix(labels_valid_set, y_pred.round()) y_pred = model.predict(test_set) cf_matrix_test = confusion_matrix(labels_test_set, y_pred.round()) acc_train = (cf_matrix_train[0, 0] + cf_matrix_train[1, 1]) / \ np.sum(cf_matrix_train) pres_train = (cf_matrix_train[1, 1]) / (cf_matrix_train[1, 1] + cf_matrix_train[0, 1]) rec_train = (cf_matrix_train[1, 1]) / (cf_matrix_train[1, 1] + cf_matrix_train[1, 0]) f1_train = 2 * rec_train * pres_train / (rec_train + pres_train) acc_valid = (cf_matrix_valid[0, 0] + cf_matrix_valid[1, 1]) / \ np.sum(cf_matrix_valid) pres_valid = (cf_matrix_valid[1, 1]) / (cf_matrix_valid[1, 1] + cf_matrix_valid[0, 1]) rec_valid = (cf_matrix_valid[1, 1]) / (cf_matrix_valid[1, 1] + cf_matrix_valid[1, 0]) f1_valid = 2 * rec_valid * pres_valid / (rec_valid + pres_valid) acc_test = (cf_matrix_test[0, 0] + cf_matrix_test[1, 1]) / \ np.sum(cf_matrix_test) pres_test = (cf_matrix_test[1, 1]) / (cf_matrix_test[1, 1] + cf_matrix_test[0, 1]) rec_test = (cf_matrix_test[1, 1]) / (cf_matrix_test[1, 1] + cf_matrix_test[1, 0]) f1_test = 2 * rec_test * pres_test / (rec_test + pres_test) update_body = {'doc': {'metrics': {'loss_train': loss_train, 'acc_train': acc_train, 'loss_valid': loss_valid, 'acc_valid': acc_valid, 'loss_test': loss_test, 'acc_test': acc_test, 'cf_matrix_train': cf_matrix_train, 'cf_matrix_valid': cf_matrix_valid, 'cf_matrix_test': cf_matrix_test, 'pres_train': pres_train, 'rec_train': rec_train, 'f1_train': f1_train, 'pres_valid': pres_valid, 'rec_valid': rec_valid, 'f1_valid': f1_valid, 'pres_test': pres_test, 'rec_test': rec_test, 'f1_test': f1_test } } } try: es.update(index=es.get(index='model', id=1)['_source']['name'], id=1, body=update_body) except: print('Please check the Elasticsearch Server')
def string_to_ascii(string)
Function that converts the domain name to an integer array of ASCII values.
- Contains the Domain Name entered by the user.
A numpy array of ASCII values corresponding to the characters of the Domain Name
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def string_to_ascii(string): """ Function that converts the domain name to an integer array of ASCII values. Args: string: Contains the Domain Name entered by the user. Returns: A numpy array of ASCII values corresponding to the characters of the Domain Name """ ascii_arr = np.zeros(len(string)) for i in range(len(string)): ascii_arr[i] = ord(string[i]) return ascii_arr
def training(es, model, model_name, epochs, batch_size, train_set, labels_train_set, validation_set, labels_validation_set)
Function that return the trained Convolutional Neural Network.
- Contains the Elasticsearch object.
- Contains the model as defined by the model_definition function.
- Contains the model name.
- Contains the number of epochs the model has to be trained for.
- Contains the batch size the model would use while training.
- Contains the training dataset.
- Contains the labels for the training dataset.
- Contains the data for the validation dataset.
- Contains the labels for the validation dataset.
A trained binary classifier for identifying whether a domain is malicious or benign.
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def training(es, model, model_name, epochs, batch_size, train_set, labels_train_set, validation_set, labels_validation_set): """ Function that return the trained Convolutional Neural Network. Args: es: Contains the Elasticsearch object. model: Contains the model as defined by the model_definition function. model_name: Contains the model name. epochs: Contains the number of epochs the model has to be trained for. batch_size: Contains the batch size the model would use while training. train_set: Contains the training dataset. labels_train_set: Contains the labels for the training dataset. validation_set: Contains the data for the validation dataset. labels_validation_set: Contains the labels for the validation dataset. Returns: A trained binary classifier for identifying whether a domain is malicious or benign. """ for i in range(epochs): history =, labels_train_set, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=1, validation_data=(validation_set, labels_validation_set)) try: body = es.get(index=es.get(index='model', id=1)['_source']['name'], id=1)['_source'] body['training']['loss'].append(history.history['loss'][0] * 100) body['training']['val_loss'].append(history.history['val_loss'][0] * 100) body['training']['acc'].append(history.history['acc'][0] * 100) body['training']['val_acc'].append(history.history['val_acc'][0] * 100) body['training']['epochs'].append((i + 1)) update_body = {'doc': {'training': {'loss': (body['training']['loss']), 'val_loss': (body['training']['val_loss']), 'acc': (body['training']['acc']), 'val_acc': (body['training']['val_acc']), 'epochs': body['training']['epochs'] } } } es.update(index=es.get(index='model', id=1)['_source']['name'], id=1, body=update_body) except: print('Please check the Elasticsearch Server') print('Training Completed') return model